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Here's what our actors are saying...
"This class was a very rewarding experience for me; it's very clear that you all have put a lot of hard work and passion into Shakespeare Without Fear, and it made me want to work harder to match that level of commitment. I learned so much and was amazed at the progress that we were all able to make in such a short amount of time."
Alexa Chryssos
"It's been a good few years since I last looked at a Shakespeare text and it felt great to dive back in. I got a lot out of the workshop. The experience was thoroughly worthwhile; both financially and artistically. The coaching you provided was excellent and it felt like a very safe space to explore the work."
Louise Oliver
"This workshop was a lot of fun and I was happy to participate. It was also really great to see how much progress could be made in a mere 24 hours, not only for Alexa and myself but for the other actors as well. You’re doing great work here exposing new actors to Shakespeare in a way that is practical yet not intimidating."
Adam Burns
"Thanks a lot for offering me the opportunity to participate in your workshop. It was a great experience and has given me more confidence in myself as an actor."
Roscoe Robinson
"Thank you for directing and teaching me over the past two months. Every session was full of challenge, growth, insite, and laughs. I hope we get the chance to work together again someday!"
Samantha Keogh
"This workshop was exactly what I needed to get back into the flow of acting. Thank all of you for pushing me in ways I have never been pushed in a class room before. I think the experience was a profound success, and it's been a pleasure and an honor as always. After this, one must take a step back and rethink everything I used to think I knew about Shakespeare, and what a good feeling that is!"
Tim French
"I really enjoyed working with you all! Being able to work on Shakespeare's works and seeing everyone's passion was a great experience which I've missed being around, which I do thank Shakespeare Without Fear again for. I look forward to working with you all again."
Dorbens Lemma
"It was a pleasure and honor to work with your crazy team and the workshop is something I would definitely recommend to peers. Take care and hopefully/maybe one day I'll have the honor of you directing me in a full production."
Arlene McGruder
"A company & directors who make the language simple and present the Shakespeare experience as un-intimidating. I had always felt like I wasn't worthy or good enough to be performing Shakespeare…..Now, however, I feel like I have found a brand new confidence and determination as well as respect and understanding for The Bard. For all of this, and much much more, I thank you beyond words. I think Jack and Jeff have a great balance of teaching strategy and the structure really works."
Christine Seisler
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